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​After-school Activity ”Nagurikko Club”






We are working to improve the future of the Naguri area.

One of them is the management of after-school activities. Since April 2020, we have been operating the "Nagurikko Club" for children attending the only elementary school in the Naguri area. We want to foster children's inquisitive mind. Therefore, we would like to provide learning opportunities from multiple perspectives.




















Experience things you can only find in Naguri
→ Fu
lly utilize resources such as nature, traditional culture, history, and people!



【定  員】23名(現在18名)


【開所時間】  平  日  :下校時刻~18:00


      日 曜 ・ 祝 日 :休み



【保 育 料】 1~3年生:8,000円/月

         4年生  :7,000円/月



[Fixed number of people]  23 people (currently 22 people)

[Target grades] 1st to 6th grade

[Opening hours] Weekdays: School dismissal time - 18:00

     Saturdays and during long holidays: 8:00-18:00

    Sunday, Holidays: Closed

       *Due to circumstances such as overtime or transportation delays,

       it may be extended up to 19:00. (Advance notice required)

[Childcare fee] 1st to 3rd grade: 8,000 yen/month

4th grade: 7,000 yen/month

        5-6th grade: 6,000 yen/month

*Prices may vary depending on individual circumstances. note that.









We will start accepting applications for the new fiscal year from Thursday, February 15, 2024. If you are interested, please contact us at the following address.

 Applicants are required to submit three types of documents (admission application, child survey form, employment certificate).

Registration will close as soon as the capacity is reached.






① 保護者が月64時間以上の就労を常態としているため

② 保護者が出産の前後のため(出産予定日6週間前・出産後8週間)

③ 保護者が病気・負傷・心身に障害があるため

④ 保護者が同居親族の介護・看護にあたっているため(長期間入院者の場合も含む)

⑤ 保護者が震災・風水害・火災その他災害の復旧にあたっているため

⑥ 保護者が求職活動(起業準備も含む)を継続的にしているため(90日まで)

⑦ 保護者が就学しているため(職業訓練校における職業訓練を含む)

⑧ 虐待やDVのおそれがあるため(保護者または市または関連機関からの報告による)

⑨ 育児休業取得時に、既に保育を利用している子どもがいて継続利用が必要であるため

⑩ なぐりっ子クラブ保育の会会長および運営責任者が定員に余裕がある場合に特例として認めるもの



The Naguriko Club is a facility that provides childcare on behalf of parents for children whose parents have difficulty caring for them at home due to work or illness. Therefore, it is not eligible for use for personal hobby activities, securing a place for children to play, or getting them used to group life.

[What is a child who is recognized as needing childcare?]

(If any of the guardians fall under any of the following)

(1) Because the parent or guardian is required to work more than 64 hours a month.

(2) Before or after the birth of the parent or guardian (6 weeks before the expected date of delivery, 8 weeks after the birth)

(3) The parent or guardian is sick, injured, or has a physical or mental disability.

(4) The guardian is caring for or caring for a relative living with him or her (including the case of a long-term hospitalization)

(5) Guardians are involved in recovery from earthquakes, storms, floods, fires, and other disasters.

(6) Parents are continuously looking for a job (including preparing to start a business) (up to 90 days)

(7) Parents are enrolled in school (including vocational training at vocational schools)

(8) There is a risk of abuse or domestic violence (based on a report from a guardian or the city or related agency)

(9) When taking childcare leave, there is a child who is already using childcare and needs to continue using it.

(10) Permitted as a special case when the chairman and operation manager of the Naguriko Club Childcare Association have sufficient capacity

*Based on the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's After-School Children's Club Guidelines, the number of children accepted by the Naguriko Club is 23. If there are more applicants than this, the priority will be determined by the chairman and operation manager of the Naguriko Club Childcare Association according to the standards of the city's childcare division.









・If there is a change in your work status, etc., please be sure to submit additional attached documents.

・If there is a change in the information on the application documents (household situation, including the details of the need for childcare, etc.), please notify us promptly. If there is an error or falsehood in the information provided, or if the change is not notified for a long time, the certification or usage decision may be revoked.

・Admission will be confirmed based on the request of the guardian and if the club approves the child in need of childcare, the admission decision notification will be made for each fiscal year.

​一般社団法人 里山こらぼ







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